Friday, February 29, 2008

My Skowhegan friends @ Their Bestest:
Kevin & Beth:

Beth in a Santa Hat... X-mas turns me on:

Justin & Beth... so cute together:

Justin & Kevin... My favorite Brothers:

Kev's best friend Gene:

Kevin getting positive:

Kev @ School:
Kevy looking smexy:
Oh yea:
Beth looks so beautiful in this pic:

Justin's 19th B-day
Kev @ School cooking:
Kev playing the guitar:

This is my girl Kayla and her Baby Jade:

This is the hottie I hooked up with when I was in Iowa... Logan:

My boi Kyle:

Rhiannin is so hawt!

if she were bi... I'd do her:

Tori's Man Alex:

My boi Brice:

Josh & Kayla.... fun times:
Josh and Jade.... so cute:
Rhiannin really is a hawtie:
Check out that body:

My old best friend Kyle... still my best friend I just havent talked to him in so long that I gave the title to Kevin:

My Beautiful Best friend Tori True!

Tori again:

and again:

and again:

Thursday, May 17, 2007

These here are my Iowa friends at thier best:

Kyle getting head from a horse...

Kyle showing off his beautiful hair:


Rhiannin looking cute and gothic-ish:

Tori and Britney:
Oh Damn she is a beauty
Awww... Tori and her man.....

Tori baby boi Alex... a juggalo!
Brittney and Toby:
Rhiannin and some girl named Sam.... I wonder?
Rhiannin and another friend of hers....

My Smexy bestest friend Kevy:

Kevy is such a dork:

Gene.... Kev's best friend up in Houlten:

Gene again:
Gene's girl Pheobe:
Justin and his gf Beth:
Justin with poofy hair lol:
Gene a lil blurry:

Gene looks grown-up:
Look into my eyes:

Gene and the girl who loves Kevy.... Charity:
Gene and some friends:
Gene and Pheobe:
Gene and Pheobe again: